John 14:21

2023-12-14 Thursday John 14:21

English Standard Version

21 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

In the context of reformed evangelical Christianity, comment on John 14:21 from the ESV. Provide insights and theological teaching from John 14:21 for its application to modern Christian living.


In John 14:21 (ESV), Jesus says, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

Here are theological insights and teachings from John 14:21 in the context of modern Christian living:

1. **Obedience and Love:** Jesus emphasises the intimate connection between love for Him and obedience to His commandments. The evidence of genuine love for Christ is not just in words or emotions but in obedience to His teachings. It’s not merely about following rules but reflecting a heart transformed by love for Christ, resulting in a desire to obey Him.

2. **Divine Love and Revelation:** Jesus promises a profound revelation of Himself to those who love Him and keep His commandments. This revelation goes beyond mere intellectual understanding; it’s a personal and intimate manifestation of His presence in their lives. This indicates that as Christians follow Christ obediently, they can experience a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him.

3. **Trinitarian Relationship:** The verse also highlights the interconnectedness within the Trinity. Obedience to Christ leads to His love, which in turn leads to the love of the Father. It portrays a beautiful interplay within the Godhead and emphasises the unity and harmony among the Father, Son, and those who love and obey Christ.

4. **Modern Application:** In today’s context, this verse urges believers to examine their relationship with Christ. It challenges Christians to move beyond a superficial or nominal faith and embrace a lifestyle marked by obedience borne out of love for Jesus. It encourages a deeper pursuit of intimacy with Christ through a life dedicated to understanding and obeying His teachings.

5. **Confidence Level:** High. This interpretation aligns with the broader principles of Christian theology and the teachings of Jesus found in other parts of the Bible.

For further exploration and understanding of this verse in its broader biblical context and implications for Christian living, referring to Matthew Henry’s Commentary or consulting other theological resources could offer deeper insights.

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John 14:21 from the English Standard Version (ESV) reads: “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

In the context of reformed evangelical Christianity, this verse emphasises the **intimate relationship** between obedience to Christ’s commandments and love for Him. It suggests that **true love for Jesus** is demonstrated through a **willingness to obey** His teachings. This obedience is not out of mere duty, but as a **natural response** to the love one has for Christ.

The verse also speaks of a **reciprocal love**—those who love Christ are loved by the Father, and Christ will love them in return. This mutual love leads to a deeper **spiritual revelation** of Christ to the believer, which is a profound aspect of Christian living.

For modern Christian living, this teaching can be applied in several ways:

– **Daily Obedience**: Christians are called to live out Christ’s commandments in their everyday lives, showing their love for Him through their actions.

– **Intimacy with God**: As believers obey Christ’s commandments, they grow in their relationship with God and experience His presence more fully.

– **Transformation**: The love of God and Christ transforms believers, making them more like Christ in character and action.

– **Witness**: By obeying Christ’s commandments, Christians become a witness to the world of the love and grace found in Jesus.

Ultimately, John 14:21 calls Christians to a life of **love and obedience**, which is the hallmark of a transformed life in Christ. It’s a reminder that the Christian faith is not just about intellectual assent, but about a **heartfelt commitment** to follow Jesus and His ways..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 14/12/2023

(1) John 14:21 Commentaries: “He who has My commandments and keeps them is ….

(2) Enduring Word Bible Commentary John Chapter 14.

(3) John 14:21 | Bible Exposition Commentary.

(4) John 14:21 | Bible Exposition Commentary.

(5) John 14:21 – Bible Verse Meaning and Commentary – Bible Study Tools.


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## John 14:21 through the lens of Reformed Evangelical Christianity: Insights and Application

In John 14:21 (ESV), Jesus declares, “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” This verse packs a powerful punch within the framework of Reformed Evangelical theology, offering rich insights and practical applications for modern Christian life.


* **Love and Obedience are Intertwined:** Jesus emphasises that loving Him is inseparable from keeping His word. Love isn’t merely a warm feeling; it manifests in active obedience. This aligns with the Reformed emphasis on God’s sovereignty and our duty to submit to His will.

* **The Trinity’s Intimacy:** The verse depicts the intimate communion within the Godhead. The Father and Son together dwell in those who love Jesus and keep His word. This reinforces the Reformed doctrine of the Trinity, highlighting the profound relational unity within the Divine.

* **The Indwelling Presence:** Jesus’ promise to “make our home” within those who love Him is a beautiful picture of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence. This aligns with the Evangelical emphasis on the personal experience of God’s Spirit residing within believers.

**Application for Modern Christian Living:**

* **Daily Obedience:** John 14:21 calls for a daily commitment to actively living out God’s word, not just assenting to it intellectually. This could involve studying Scripture, praying, and seeking ways to embody Christ’s teachings in daily life.

* **Seeking God’s Presence:** The promise of the Trinity’s indwelling invites us to cultivate intimacy with God through prayer, worship, and meditation. This pursuit deepens our love for Christ and fuels our obedience.

* **Community and Service:** Loving Jesus means loving His people. We can demonstrate this love through active participation in the church community, serving those in need, and living out Christ’s teachings in our relationships.

* **Assurance and Comfort:** The promise of God’s dwelling presence offers comfort and assurance amidst life’s challenges. Knowing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit reside within us can provide strength and stability in times of difficulty.

**Additional Considerations:**

* Reformed theology emphasises God’s sovereign grace in salvation, while Evangelicalism often focuses on personal conversion and assurance. This verse beautifully bridges these two streams, highlighting the interplay of God’s initiative and our active response in loving and obeying Him.

* In modern Christian living, applying John 14:21 may require discernment about cultural trends and practices that might contradict or dilute the core message of Christ’s word.


John 14:21 offers a profound glimpse into the heart of God and the transformative power of loving and obeying Jesus. By embracing its insights and applying its principles, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with God, strengthen our Christian community, and live out our faith in a meaningful way in the world today.

By Gary

I like to eat. Mostly meat. Some plant-based foods too.